5 ways to motivate yourself to
03 Oct 2022
5 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight When starting a fitness journey, especially a body transformation journey, motivation, like all things, has ups and downs along the
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How peal prep can save
29 Sep 2022
What is it? Let’s first start this with the question, “what is meal preparation” Meal prep is any preparation of food or a meal in advance of
Why diet is important in
22 Sep 2022
Proper nutrition is VITAL to get the most you’re of your body, without enough nutrients, carbohydrates, protein and fats, you may begin to feel sluggish and fatigued
How fitness helps with mental
13 Sep 2022
Exercise is a massive driving force in helping with people’s mental health, it relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and releases endorphins which
Why having a routine is
12 Sep 2022
Why routine is key! With summer coming to a close, and autumn just around the corner, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, it
Discipline or Motivation: What's
15 Jul 2022
Discipline or Motivation: What's more important? Motivation is great isn't it?! That extra energy you find you get up early, turn up to training, eat healthy... having
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How To Create Habits -
23 Jun 2022
How To Get LONG-TERM Results: The Importance of Habit Creation We're all about breaking unhealthy habits and creating healthy habits here at Body Shape Fitness! So we
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Do you know how to
09 Jun 2022
Some people succeed because they just don't know how to quit... Quitting is quite possibly the only thing that will guarantee you DON'T GET RESULTS! Perhaps you want
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Reduce your stress - here'
25 May 2022
The news always gives us some reason to be in need of some stress relief! War, monkeybox, coronavirus all stressing out the nation... and all the other stresses
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Lose Weight & Keep it
19 May 2022
I listened to a podcast yesterday and it was about a gym owner who was speaking to an audience of 30 people, roughly. He asked if anyone had lost 15
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If you double a penny
11 May 2022
If you double a penny every day, you'll be a millionaire within 28 days... What's that got to do with a body transformation? Let me explain... 1p doesn't seem
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5 Reasons You Can't Keep
26 Apr 2022
Top 5 Reasons You Can't Keep The Weight Off (it's not the left over Easter eggs!) Losing weight and reaching your body goals is a two-step process. You need
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How To Beat January Blues
11 Jan 2022
This time of the year often gets people people a bit blue, when dealing with long nights and cold weather, it can often be easy to let it
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Healthy Habits All Year Round –
16 Nov 2021
Healthy Habits All Year Round – How? It’s coming to the time of year where a lot of people decide it’s time to get in shape again.
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Best Weight Loss Option in
01 Nov 2021
Ely’s Best Weight Loss Option? You’re local to Ely and you’re thinking about starting your weight-loss journey, that’s great! You’ve taken the first
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Benefits to exercising with others
25 Oct 2021
3 benefits of exercising with other people in Ely The benefits of exercising with other people, instead of on your own, really are endless! Ranging from increased motivation, to
THIS is scarier than Halloween!
19 Oct 2021
Horror films... long dark nights... ghosts... children knocking on your door demanding sugary treats...All terrifying things we put ourselves through around Halloween time...But let me tell
Benefits of having a coach
13 Oct 2021
Many people do not know the benefits that a personal trainer or fitness coach can provide. There’s nothing worse than spending weeks, months or years putting effort
Why we exercise outdoors
06 Oct 2021
Training outdoors gets you better results! That is the number one reason why here at Body Shape Fitness we train outdoors in Ely. Training outside is the quickest
Why the weight doesn't
15 Sep 2021
I listened to a podcast yesterday where someone was speaking to an audience of 100 people, roughly. He asked if anyone had lost 15lbs or more in their life