The last week of the school holidays are upon us and next week the children are

This a struggle many parents have 

keeping at the plates spinnings at once and juggling kids,


So at Body Shape fitness we have always run sessions in a group environment led by

Why you should join a fitness programme and not a gym.

When making the decision to start

With the temperatures soaring at the moment, drinking enough fluids, and staying hydrated is more important than ever. 

We all know that getting outside makes us feel better, if you have had a bad day,  just

Top 5 Reasons You Can't Keep The Weight Off (it's not the Easter eggs!)

Losing weight and reaching

Motivation VS Discipline: The

How To Get LONG-TERM Results: The Importance of Habit Creation

How To Make The Most Out Of A Second Lock-down

As you're most likely aware, England

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