Benefits of exercising with other people

  • Update: 19/01/2023

There are many different benefits of exercising with other people as opposed to exercising by yourself.

Some examples of these benefits are increased motivation, more enjoyment from exercise, and more accountability to get it done and be consistent with your health and fitness journey.

In this blog, I am going to go over 4 reasons why exercising with other people could be of great benefit to yourself (and to them)

  • Increased commitment to beating your targets

Over 50% of people who start a new year fitness resolution end up quitting before summer.

But having that person holding you accountable, making sure you turn up and get the sessions done, gives you a much higher chance of sticking to your commitment.

They will also help to motivate you, remind you why you started, and help you push further in the sessions.

  • It can be much safer

If you are lifting weights or trying exercises you have not done in a while, or even done before, having someone to help you out, watch over you, and guide you can prevent any injury along the way.

It is also better to be with someone when on a long walk or a run, where you may not have your phone, but you may hurt yourself to the point you need medical assistance.

  • You will want to push yourself to work harder during exercise

Whether you are training with a PT, with a friend, or in a group training session.

Being surrounded by like-minded people, all wanting to make a change in their fitness and health can be extremely encouraging in pushing towards your goals.

You may also notice that it will bring out a competitive edge in you, which will come out in situations where you are pushing yourself and perhaps ready to throw in the towel on the session, but looking around and seeing a friend of another group member carrying on, will motivate you to push yourself and carry on.

  • Increased chance of beating your goal

As a result of being more committed and pushing yourself more, you are much more likely to achieve your fitness goals.

Being around people who motivate you, hold you accountable and push you towards your goals, will make a massive difference to the end results as opposed to if you went on the journey alone.

Studies show that you are much more likely to hit your fitness goals, if you work closely with people who are pushing for the same results 
