Kids back to school this September, why not have a fresh start for yourself too?

  • Update: 28/08/2024


The last week of the school holidays are upon us and next week the children are back to school  Embarking on a new year, new teachers, and making new friends.

Its an exciting time for the kids, working towards new goals. 

Maybe it can be a new start for you also? 

Makes perfect sense doesnt it. The kids are off on an excting new adventure, some of them at new school, some just a new class, but either way its an exciting new journey for them all. 

and why not make this a new time for you to start a new adventure too? 

This is a great time of year to get started on a new journey, especailly a fitness goal. 

Firstly because the kids are back to school, and your schedule will be a little less busy, you will have more time to focus on yourself, but there are many other reasons why this is a great time to get started. 

- The weather is still warm and the the days are still long which is great for keeping you motivated. 

- Theres 3.5 months until the christmas party season kicks off,  thats a great length of time for you to work on your goals for maximum results. 

- You can smash your new years goals, before the current year even ends. 

the best way for this to be a successful journey for you is with the support and guidance of a coach. 

Kids going back into a new school year have the support of staff and teachers, so why should your journey be any different? 

A coach will help you train at a level that will increase results, you will be supported to go further than you might dare if you faced it solo, they'll keep you accountable and focused on the results and help you break up the journey into manageable chunks. 

Back to school really is the best time to get the wheels rolling on a new fitness journey. 

Body Shape fitness in Ely offers a  6 week programme to help you set the ground work of healthy habits, regular training and support to get you started on your fitness journey. Once complete a longer term ongoing membership is availabe for you to keep motivated and continue seeing results month after month. 

They have friendly welcoming classes, dedicated trainers, and a supportive environment designed to get you exactly the results you want. 

So how does a new start in September sound to you? 

