This a struggle many parents have
keeping at the plates spinnings at once and juggling kids, activities, school, childcare, homwork, all on top of a full time job.
Its hard! you have to make plans in advance and keep a careful track of everyones movements to make sure everything gets covered and no one gets left behind.
And many times you as the parent get left behind, finding the time to squeeze in a gym session or a run can be very tough.
Here are a few things you can try to make fitting in some training around 'life' a little bit easier.
1- plan out exercise that the kids can be involved in, like a walk or bike ride, kids love to be active and its great to get them to blow off some steam for an easier bed time... am i right?
2- take up a class that the kids can be involved in too, like matial arts, dance or swmming. Often times the kids classes will run along side adult classes so your both exercising at the same time.
3- train early in the morning before their day has even started. many gyms open at 6am and classes run first thing in the morning, so finding something to suit you at that time of the day wont be nearly as hard as you think. And before breakfast you have already smashed a traning session and set yourself up for the day.
At Body Shape Fitness in Ely, we run 3 time slots a day. 6.10am, 9.30am and 6.30pm. So there is something to suit everyone. The 9.30 session is child friendly so if its the holidays and you are stuck for childcare bring them along.
We know how hard it is the balance family life with your own goals, so we allow you to mix and match the sessions to suit your needs.
Our sessions are for everyone, from complete novice to seasoned pro and we can talior everything to suit you.
so if your looking for something to fit in around the kids, and work... this might just be what you have been looking for...