Want to make an investment into your future??
When you start working, or take a new position, one of the first things your new employer will tell you about is the pension scheme they offer.
Usually they match or beat the contribution you make each month into a pot to be withdrawn when you reach a certain age.
You make a small sacrifice from your wages each month to invest in your future.
So when you finally leave the workplace behind, you have a nice little pot to use to live out the rest of your life.
But it shouldn’t be just financial security you are looking to establish in later life, it should also be the ability to see those years as the best years of your life. Doing all the things you had to do less off when you had a 9-5 building a career, raising a family etc.
And to be able to live those years to the fullest, you also need your health. Right?
Imagine working all your life, diligently paying the pension contributions only to get there and be too poorly to be able to really enjoy it. Doesn’t sound much fun for 50 years of graft does it?
So how about investing in your future now by getting fitter, stronger, losing a few pounds and really making your health a priority.
You're doing something now that the you of the future will be so grateful you did.
So you can still travel the world, chase the great grandkids around and live a healthy active life.
By making some small changes now, these could have a massive impact on your future.
Small changes to the food you eat, a few exercise sessions a week and the you of 30 years time is a totally different person to what they could have been.
Whilst you have the time to make those changes, make them. Don’t leave it for another month, or another year, or another decade. Because by then it might be too late.
Prevention is better than the cure!
If you don’t think you have the time??
Let me show you how you can fit in our sessions in Ely around your current commitments, And with the support and guidance of our dedicated team, sticking to the programme isnt hard at all.
Now you’re paying into that financial pension fund each month, and you're also paying into your health pension for the future.